March 2023

Joe Amirault

This story has a special place in my heart. I would like to express my gratitude towards my Uncle Joe for sharing his story.

Joe Amirault enlisted into the army December 26, 1962. He served for 4 years and fought in Vietnam.

On December 13, 1966 he retired from the Army and returned.

Read the rest of Mr. Amirault's story below:

Your smile and light you bring into this world is contagious. Thank you for allowing me to learn more about your life. I am so thankful for a great role model like you!

Thank you, Maria

Uncle Joe,

What do you remember about the day you enlisted?

"The day I enlisted I remember being nervous and scared.

When we got there we were starving. We walked up to a line in the hall where they had large pots of food that looked like puke. They told us it was SOS. Although it looked disgusting, it was delicious."

Why did you enlist? Why did you choose the army?

"I wanted to become a US citizen, so I could be a Police Officer Air Force for 4 years to become a US citizen."

What was a basic day of training like?

"Basic training was very tough. It was a hellhole.

Training after basic was regular and not as bad.

In basic training, they tell you, 'We're either going to make you or break you.' They broke a couple and sent them home. I made it 4 years so I guess they made me."

What was it like adjusting to military life?

"I never really adjusted to military life. I think after basic training it was just like regular living."

Can you describe how you felt coming home from combat? How did you adjust to civilian life?

"The day I was discharged was the happiest day of my life. We got on a plane and flew back to Texas. I adjusted to civilian life right away."

How do you think your time in the military changed you?

"Time in the military matured me and made an honest man out of me."

Did you ever get caught breaking any rules? Did you ever get away with something you weren't supposed to do?

"I never broke rules!"

Is there anything you wish civilians understood about military service?

"Being in the military is not easy, but I'm proud to have served and worked for my US citizenship."

Thank you for reading my story.

Can you describe your time in Vietnam?

"They sent me to Vietnam, it was very bad there. We were monitored and getting attacked while working construction. While in Vietnam, we built barracks where we stayed for a little while.

I remember showering in huge shower holes where large showers would pour out dirty, brown water."

Pictured above: Joe Amirault at the South China Sea

Pictured above: Joe with his aunt while home from basic training

Pictured above: Joe with South Vietnamese workers

Joe Amirault

Enlisted into the army on December 26, 1962 ~ Served in Vietnam

3/4/20233 min read